
Hey everyone! I just purchased a new iMac! It seems like a great machine and I can't wait to get started blogging again.
Check back soon!


I though it might be interesting to post a before and after. We have the original source image and the obviously edited final. Keep in mind that this was not my shoot, I just handled the post.
And no, she is not naked, those are nipple covers.


Here's a slightly different version of the first potential banner post.
Something like this will probably be the final version.


The Skull

A skull, from the previous internship. Yes it is real.

Posting Layout Test

This post is mainly to see how the image and text orientation looks. When I finalize my layout, everything will be reposted for a cohesive aesthetic.

Incidentally, this image is one that I'm considering using for the end of school portfolio, along with the skull.

The Other Banner

This is the other possibility for the banner. I personally favor the first, mainly because I like its simplicity. It is also easier to read.

However, I'd like to hear what you think. Thanks to those that have left comments for me. Your feedback is appreciated.



One last quick post.

Actually, this is a question that I pose to anyone that visits. If any of you know how to edit the html for bigger image thumbnails and/or how to disable the thumbnails opening the image when you click on them I would love to know too.
Thanks, Ham

another test post

This is an image that I've been playing with for awhile. It's nearing completion, with a few minor tweaks. Mainly I want to see how a predominately dark image will appear on the white background, but I'd love to hear what you think about this piece.

Banner possibility

This is one of a couple of images I'm considering using for a banner. The text is a design placeholder, to be finalized if this is the one I end up using. The only problem I can see so far is that some people might get confused and think that I'm a female.
I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Test Posting

Hello everyone. This posting is mainly designed to test changes in the html code. Expect more posts in the immediate future, while I continue to nail down the blog layout. Check in again soon for new photos. Thanks, Ham.